Aspect 3.04.00 Studio Installation

ASPECT software and firmware have been updated to make Schedules and Alarms easier to use, and Trendlogs configured to provide a user with more control. Also, support for Security communication standards when downloading Office365 calendars has been enhanced, and Project deployment is quicker and easier.

ASPECT Alarm Notifier 3.2.1

The ASPECT® Alarm Notifier is a Windows System Tray application that displays notifications when alarms are raised on multiple ASPECT® Control Engine targets.

ASPECT 3.02.02 Studio Installation

This file contains ASPECT Studio 3.02.02 installer, all_upgrade files, and users manuals. ASPECT 3.02.01 is a maintenace release that fixes several issues including: ASP-4979 SD Card integrity checks have been added to Matrix FTServer targets. ASP-4994 Aspect Combo Schedule Exceptions now allow the user to enter time as well as date. ASP-4998 Aspect Combo Schedules […]