ABB Aspect is Not Exposed to the Apache log4j Vulnerability

Along with our Niagara partner, ABB Commercial Energy Solutions ASPECT Enterprise, ASPECT Nexus, and ASPECT Matrix have been evaluated for the Apache Log4j2 Vulnerability. There is no access to the vulnerable java class from any input vectors related to this CVE. ABB will continue to monitor any security issues related to this topic for ASPECT […]

ABB Envoy is Not Exposed to the Apache log4j Vulnerability

Along with our Niagara partner, ABB Commercial Energy Solutions eBuilding Envoy controllers have been evaluated for the Apache Log4j2 Vulnerability. There is no access to the vulnerable java class from any input vectors related to this CVE. ABB will continue to monitor any security issues related to this topic for Aspect and all ABB products.


This How To will help pick the right ASPECT product for your site.

Recommended ASPECT® Database Settings

Technical Bulletin #427 Recommended ASPECT® Database Settings This bulletin lists the tested logging limits per ASPECT® device. Customers are advised to limit the amount of log data stored in installed instances of ASPECT® databases to conform with these limits.

Cylon Bulletin 0426 ASPECT SD Card Life

TECHNICAL BULLETIN #426 Optimizing SD Card Life in ASPECT® Control Engines The lifespans of SD Cards have a defined maximum number of write cycles per the manufacturer’s specifications. Recognizing the practical lifetime limitations associated with SD card technology, assigning limits to the amount of log data stored in the ASPECT® database can prolong the life […]